Betraying My Values

from Hoover's The Seduction of Ruwej: Reconstructing Ruund History

It was between the fly whisk blog name or a Ryangombe epic-cycle reference blog name and important fly whisks are a lil more global. I'm already selling out.

Finally got around to posting a comment under one of the OSRish blogs that I silently watch and the experience broke me - went from "made an account to interact :)" to "another fucking guy with a tabletop blog" in under 24 hours. Easily the slipperiest slope I have ever experienced. It really was great kicking back and allowing other peoples' creativity to wash over me while it lasted. I spent most of the downtime I carved out this past summer trying to muster up the will to put some stuff up online but it seems fitting that I only found the nerve to try NOW when I have a thousand other things to do. Anyways, this is largely going to be about miombo-belt Cent. African/Inland Sea E. African history and spirituality + exploiting it for gaming content (in a loving and friendly way ofc) but that's a big space with a lot of adjacent topics so hopefully the whole project won't end up feeling too monotonous. I think that calling my favorite places to read about an underrated well of writing/gaming ideas would be extremely charitable; you have to rate at all to be underrated and the vast majority of "African-inspired" fantasy drops the ball so hard at rectifying the problem in any real way for a litany of reasons.  Instead of being weird and bitter about it alone, maybe I can be weird and bitter about it online help out!

Knowing myself, I'm probably not gonna update this as frequently as I should, but maybe the experience will teach me some goddamn writing discipline. 


  1. I just discovered your blog and starting from the beginning!! You were name dropped somewhere from another blog on the RPG Planet (

    1. Hello! That's so cool - thanks for reading! Feel free to ask any questions you might have, regardless of post date. I'll get around to them sooner rather than later.


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