More Ideas for Civil Rights Holiday Tabletop T-shirts

literally impossible to improve upon this I didn't see the Goodman Games DCC RPG MLK DAY official tshirt until after MLK Day, but it's still before the Dallas MLK parade so I'm still on time in Texas, which is all that matters. Aside: Dallas is the largest city in America run by a Republican mayor, a Black man who switched parties while in office. It's now ok to call Eric Johnson a c**ned-out race traitor; we couldn't say it when he was waging war on poor folks and destroying historic Black Dallas at the behest of his real estate / megachurch / Fortune 500 teat-suckling masters, but we can say it now bc he's doing all that under the other team's banner. Anyways, this tshirt brought me to tears. I finally felt SEEN by the old/new schooldream renavolution's cognoscenti. This is what we've (a spiritual 'we', my own ancestors were herding camels in the Hawd during Reconstruction) been fighting for. When I stopped sobbing, though, I realized ...