Normally Exceptional - the Ginzburgian school of NPC design

Gorgeous example of bwami bwa kifebwe art - male elder mask with a powerful sorcerer's crest and pre-carnivalization coloring. Studied by Hersek "in the field" near Kikomo, now owned by a private collecting fuck from Venice Beach You don't have to be very familiar with the Northern Italian roots of microhistory (in the work of Ginzburg, Levi, Poni, Grendi, et al.) as a methodological approach to be aware of its products - classics like The Cheese and the Worms , The Return of Martin Guerre , and The Great Cat Massacre are still v popular both in and out of the classroom - or understand its dissatisfaction with Annales school longue durée analysis + grand narrative (Muir's " gigantification of historical scale ")...but it does help with blog posts! Channeling Marcia’s Freudposting on this one. Zooming In The microhistorical approach raises questions about selectivity and significance. By what criteria are names to be picked out and how representative of ...