Cast Adrift! - Koselleck, Benjamin, and Mudimbe arrive on time

Between the Two my Heart is Balanced , Lubaina Himid "Time is a difficult topic for historians. I remember an occasion when I was in the history department and I commented that—alluding to Koselleck—modern history not only is in time but also operates through it. This generated a rather snide comment from a colleague, a disgust with 'theory,' which is the only explanation for something that needlessly complicates what is so obvious and commonsensical as time." — Stefan Tanaka, History without Chronology "Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, 'How will you be when the son of Mary descends upon you while your leader is among you?'” — Sahih al-Bukahri 3449 Hello, everyone! Pretty last minute for a (belated!) birthday post…already something of a tradition. Ramadan moved up in the Gregorian calendar again so March 12th is actually inside the month this year. This shift + getting older has me thinking about ti...