Speaking about Love - Lakelands PARIAH for Dungeon23

Medium of the ghost-god-community Mukasa, Bubembe Island "Mediums and interpreters used metaphors of descent, of eating as power—the transformative potential of assembling to feast and debate the future—to organize ordinary people’s creative belonging with clanship…They might never encounter through possession all who had come before them, whose accomplishments and skill made different places rich and safe in the present. Yet with mobile mediums and local pythons, they could imagine the others whom they would never meet doing as they did." - David Schoenbrun, The Names of the Python: Belonging in East Africa, 900 to 1930 "Since he filled the glass to the brim, he had to tread softly so as not to pour the juice, so he arrived unnoticed by both the ghost and his wife. You can imagine the shock as this man watched his deceased mother-in-law singing, dancing, and cultivating while the good daughter sat around relaxing in the sun!" - The Tale of Njabala the Beautif...